Congratulations your new website is finished!

You can compare it to a new salesperson who has fulfilled all his product training requirements. How will you properly engage the salesperson to make him/her successful. With new salespeople we have an idea what they are going to do, with a new website we are going to sit back and wait for something to happen. Pretty weird, really?

Both means (salesperson and website) have a purpose that they have to fulfill, for that you will have to deploy, manage and monitor them purposefully. Unfortunately, I regularly encounter in the B2B market, that the deployment and use of a new website is not well thought out. This ensures that you do not get an optimal return from your website. It is quite understandable that after months of writing texts, creating images, you go into relax mode for a while, but actually the game only begins then.

Successfully using your new website

What happens without a marketing plan is that the website is put beside us again and we continue as before. We sometimes post something on LinkedIn without purpose and regularity, look at the website numbers and move on again.

If you make the comparison to sales, it's 3 calls to random customers, a product introduction to a major customer and a few emails to prospects. That doesn't seem to me to be enough to be successful and achieve your goals.

So how do you get started after launching your website?

The website is your digital salesperson; it will need to connect with your target audience and customers to generate leads. You do this by making it findable in Google and other search engines. You start by optimizing your pages for the purpose of findability, called search engine optimization (SEO).

Another way is to advertise on certain keywords that are relevant to your target audience. In the beginning after the launch, your website will still need to be indexed (takes at least 3-6 months) by the search engines, so your visitor numbers may still be low. By then advertising in search engines (SEA) you will ensure more traffic to your website.

This has two benefits. You can see if your website is performing well in terms of usability and converting leads through the various call to actions. In addition, you are focused on generating leads by focusing on important keywords that are relevant to your target audience.
So you see, launching a website is only the beginning. Then you start working with the available data and the plan that ensure that you are continuously monitoring and optimizing. Ultimately, this results in an approach where your website is no longer that static online brochure, but your digital salesperson that generates leads from which sales come.

Free website scan

Just launched a new website, but no plan yet on how to proceed. Let us do a free website scan (worth €340) to come up with a plan. Fill out the contact form or contact us at

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