Successfully scaling to international markets: The most common SEO mistakes and how to avoid them

When companies step into international markets, they face numerous new challenges. Although entering new markets offers many opportunities, without thorough preparation it can lead to problems of trust, conversions and search engine findability. International SEO plays a crucial role here, and mistakes in this strategy can have serious consequences for performance in organic search results. In this article, we discuss some common SEO mistakes when scaling to foreign markets, and how companies can avoid them.

Mistake 1: Scaling up without thorough market research

One of the biggest mistakes companies make is ignoring market research. Successful international expansion begins with a good understanding of the new market, including cultural aspects, consumer behavior, local laws and available resources. It may not seem directly related to SEO, but market research is the basis for an effective SEO strategy. Every market is different and the way people search varies by region. Conducting market research helps companies understand these nuances and tailor their contingent SEO strategy accordingly.

Mistake 2: Using a ccTLD for multiple countries

Some companies use one ccTLD (country code top-level domain) for multiple countries. This can be confusing for search engines and make the Web site less effective in targeting specific countries. The proper use of separate ccTLDs (such as .nl for the Netherlands, .de for Germany), or the use of subdomains or subfolders, helps provide clarity for both search engines and users. Each company should develop a domain strategy that fits the markets in which they want to operate.

Error 3: International content loading from a central server

International websites that load their content from a central server may experience problems with load times in other countries. Slow load times not only have a negative effect on the user experience, but can also lower rankings in local search results. By using Content DeliveryNetworks (CDNs), companies can improve website speed globally and optimize the user experience in each country.

Error 4: Automatic redirects based on IP address

Automatically redirecting users to a specific language version of the Web site based on their IP address seems like a good solution, but this can be frustrating for users who want to access a different version. In addition, it can hinder search engines from crawling and indexing different versions of the Web site. It is better to let users manually choose which version of the site they want to access and offer clear language choices.

Error 5: Incorrect Iimplementation of Hreflang elements.

Hreflang tags indicate to search engines which version of a page is intended for which language and region. When these tags are not implemented correctly, search engines cannot properly determine which page should be shown to users, resulting in duplicate content problems and low rankings in the appropriate markets. Accurately implementing hreflang elements is essential for international SEO.

Mistake 6: Canonical links pointing to a variant

Canonical links help indicate which version of a page is the "main version," but the misuse of these links can cause search engines to index the wrong version of the page. This can have a negative impact on the findability of the correct language versions. It is important to ensure that canonical links are set up correctly to protect the right pages from duplication problems.

Mistake 7: Internal links pointing to other language versions

Internal link structures are important for SEO, but linking to pages in a different language can confuse search engines and users. Make sure internal links stay within the same language version to provide a clear user experience and help search engines understand the proper structure of the Web site.

Mistake 8: Not conducting multilingual keyword research

A common mistake is not conducting keyword research for different languages. Many companies simply translate their existing keywords instead of researching which search terms are used locally. Search behavior can vary significantly between countries and languages, and by not addressing these differences, companies miss opportunities for better findability. Multilingual keyword research helps companies better understand the search intent of their international audiences and tailor their content accordingly.

Mistake 9: No local link building strategy

Link building is a crucial part of SEO, but many companies forget that they also need a local link building strategy for international markets. Local backlinks from trusted websites are essential for building authority in a new market. By building relationships with local websites and creating content relevant to the local market, companies can improve their SEO performance.

Conclusion: getting started with international SEO

Scaling up to international markets requires a careful approach, combining many different aspects of SEO, technology and market research. Many companies make mistakes by not seeing these elements in context, leading to lower visibility and effectiveness in new markets.

To overcome these challenges, TMC Media can support companies in developing a successful international SEO strategy. From market research and technical optimization to correctly implementing hreflang tags and conducting multilingual keyword research, TMC Media offers the expertise needed to successfully grow your business in international markets. With the right strategy and guidance, you can ensure that your website performs optimally and matches the search intentions of your new international audiences.

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